четвъртък, 7 февруари 2008 г.

Урок по Английски - 1 част - The BLADE structure

Welcome, за нашият първи урок по английски език. Той ще включва полезни неща за писане на добър бизнес имейл (business email).

Ще започна с информация за BLADE, което представлява принципи за писане на добър имейл (principles of good email writing). За съжаление гугъл не можа да намери нищо по-подробно, но аз ще се опитам да го обясня по спомени и записки.

The BLADE Structure

  • BL - Bottom Line - state your main reason for writing. Be direct. Be concise (сбит, стегнат, кратък). Be specific. Be complete. You do not need to mention previous correspondence or meetings as you might do in a letter. Avoid any pre-amble (встъпление, предисловие) or background information.
  • Action - You. This could be action that you promise to take.
    Your reader. Action that you want your reader to take.
    Be specific and give a clear and realistic deadline.
  • Details - give all details that your reader will need. Be concise. You can list the details as bulleted points or sequence them in a numbered list to make them easy to read.
  • Extras - Put everything else in this section at the of the message. This is where you can add any social remarks (compliments, jokes, chit-chat) or background information.

In a model email:

  • There is an informative subject line (less than 8 words)
  • The "Bottom Line" is clearly stated at the start of the email.
  • The "Action" point is immediately after the "Bottom Line", eg. "Please let me know before Friday..."
  • The deadline is specific and clear.

Ето и един пример за добър имейл, който следва гореописаните правила:

Dear Guci,

I would like to invite you to give a short half-hour talk to launch our first stress management workshop on 10 June.

Please let me know before this Friday (2nd) if you can help us. Here are the details:

  • Your topic: The Importance of Fitness in Managing Stress
  • Date and time: 10 June 2008 from 11 to 11.30 pm
  • Venue: ComSing Tanjong Pagar Branch
  • Fee: $190

We all enjoyed your stretch breaks so much that we instantly thought you were the right person to launch this workshop.

I really hope you can make it.


Това е за сега. Очаквайте и 2 част на урока съвсем скоро (тия дни по Коледа).

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