вторник, 19 февруари 2008 г.

Урок по Английски - 3 част - Допълнения

Минаха хубавите празници и настана време за следващият урок по английски.
Тук отново ще дадем някои насоки за писане на добър бизнес имейл.

Write Active Sentences

Modern, business writing should use active sentence structure as far as possible. Active sentences clearly state "who does what to whom". Look at the following example:

Passive: "A cheque was sent to you at your home address last week"

Active: "I sent you a cheque to your home address last week"

In the "Active" example above we know who sent the cheque. By saying "I sent you a cheque" the writer is being open and accountable. In the "Passive" example above, the writer might be concealing (крия, укривам) the identity of the person who sent the cheque.
Passive sentences also often sound distant, cold, old-fashioned and bureaucratic. Passive structures are also more difficult to understand.

Be Positive

If you write in a positive tone, your messages will be clear, friendlier and more precise.

Which of the following sentences is the clearest?

  • The switch is not off
  • The switch is on
Positive statements are also clearer because they are usually more precise and complete. For example:

  • Please don't be late.
  • Please meet me in the M Hotel lobby on Tuesday 3 June at 10.00 am

Be direct: use verbs instead of nouns

It is usually more direct to use verbs instead of nouns.

  • We have conducted an investigation into the complaints and will make improvements to the delivery system.
  • We have investigated the complaints and will improve the delivery system.

С това приключват уроците по английски език свързани с писането на добър бизнес имейл.

Ето линкове към всичките 3 части:

Какво следва - Meetings!

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