При нас, когато искаме да кажем "сега ще ви свържа" често казваме "сега ще ти го/я дам". Еми да, ама това в английския не работи, не може да кажеш "I will give him to you" и да те разберат правилно. Трябва да се каже "I'll put you through" or "I'll connect you".
Когато ви питат нещо, на което не можете да отговорите веднага (примерно: "къде беше снощи?") и ви трябва малко време, вие имате нужда от т.нар. Silence Fillers.
Ето и пример за тях:
- Hold on a second (very informal)
- Bear with me a moment (this is goood)
- Smile when you are on the phone; your listener will hear it!
- Return all phone calls within 48 hours
- Don't read from a script during a call. Instead either memorise your script as an actor would or use "thought starters" such as a word or two on index cards to guide you from one idea to another
- Don't do things such as open mail, flip through the newspaper or make sex while on the phone. The person you're talking with will know you're distracted.
- Listen and respond to the person on the other end of the line. When you focus on them rather than on what you are going to say next, the phone call becomes much more conversational.
Your voice is your personality over the phone. It makes an immediate impression on the listener. Evaluate your telephone voice in terms of the following attributes:
- Pitch - Is your voice too shrill(писклив) or strained(неестествен)? Do you speak in a monotone? In normal speech, pitch varies. These variations are known as inflection. The more inflection you use, the more interesting your tone of voice is.
- Rate - if you speak too slowly you will likely lose the attention of the listener. Conversely, your listener won't be able to follow you if you speak too rapidly. In either case, your message won't get through.
- Quality - it's the most distinctive and individual characteristic of your voice. This is where the essence of warmth, understanding and "likability" come into play. Smiling as you speak enhances your vocal quality.
- Articulation & Accent - The price of poor articulation (изговаряне) is high, particularly in business. You must enunciate (произнасям) or pronounce your words very clearly or your listeners will misunderstand you. Faulty articulation and incorrect word pronunciation give your listener the impression that you are sloppy (небрежен), careless or lack knowledge.
3 коментара:
Веско, другия път да ползваш Буквар-а като правиш майнд мапове :) хаха
с удоволствие, само да фикснат онова досадно бъгче с разместването на айтъмите ;)
сега спокойно ше можеш да им го казваш по често :-) аххаха
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